03-26 Video test
02-07 Emacs: go back to its associated `org header' in an `org-attachment' directory
02-06 Elisp: Ability to identify shell variables in Helm detect file name
02-01 Emacs: a new package to create a formatted directory
01-31 fist: calculates all the projection areas
01-30 fist: setup geometry to verify calculations
01-29 Emacs: improve skeletor
01-28 Emacs: ox-spectacle as alternatives for presentation
01-28 fist drag issue finally solved
01-26 fist: compare two types of boundary conditions
01-25 fist: Calculating the projection area
01-24 fist: negative drag issue fixed
01-23 fist simulation: RAS turbulence model
01-21 FFPEG: Combining Four Videos as a Single Video
01-20 Reset boundary conditions
01-19 Elisp: helm-with-roam open attachment on the fly
01-17 Mistakes for the first case setup
01-17 Fix hole little experienced: a little bit summarize
01-17 3d mesh clean: get rid of holes
01-16 Semi-Implicit Method for Pressure-Linked Equations (SIMPLE): what is it?
01-16 Emacs: slug a string
01-15 Work flow to mesh a geometry
01-14 So I have my fist on computer, what's next?
01-14 Orgmode: quick insert template to do weekly review
01-13 Fist mesh ready to go
01-12 Fix big hole in 3d mesh
01-10 Fill big hole in Blender is not easy
01-09 Select isolated faces in Blender
01-08 Fix 3D mesh issue with Blender
01-07 3D mesh issues after scanning
01-06 Create a new frame based on user input
01-05 Batch open Pdfs in a region: an initial idea
01-04 When shall you call it is ice instead of water?
01-03 Skeleton: a quick text transformers
01-03 How to differentiate water and ice?
01-03 Fine-tune open PDFs in Emacs
01-02 Use Org-transclusion for linking the note
01-02 Ivy add helper function for quick copy function name
01-01 Why do we need to look at things at a microscopic level?
01-01 Switch to yesterday or tomorrow based on current daily buffer
01-01 My principle of refile
01-01 Combine link-hint-open-link and org-ref-jump-to-visible-key
01-01 Citation in this blog


12-31 What is Org-Real
12-30 Crontab debug
12-29 Org-mode entry auto set the scheduled date as today
12-29 Emacs functions to open PDF in a dedicated frame
12-29 [citation] link cannot identify multiple links
12-28 Images in blog
12-27 Org-anki tricks