Work flow to mesh a geometry

After I obtained geometry, for example in the explanation in this post, the next step is to prepare a case dictionary for OpenFOAM. It tells what kind of physics you want to play with. And there are a lot of things you can play with. In this post, a general step will be posted. Further improvements will be made along the way as I do more simulations. Step 0 Check mesh Orintate the mesh towards x-positive direction Export from blender warning: the first line needs to be changed: solid final_rotate Step 1 BlockMesh Look for 8 points to build a block

Orgmode: quick insert template to do weekly review

I have been using this function over years to do my weekly review shown in Fig. 1. It is based on ts library. You can use it with yas-expand-from-trigger-key with minimal effort. 1 2 ** TODO `(format "%s%02d%02d" (ts-year (ts-now))(ts-month (ts-now)) (ts-day (ts-now)))`-`(format "%s%02d%02d" (ts-year (ts-dec 'day -7 (ts-now))) (ts-month (ts-dec 'day -7 (ts-now))) (ts-day (ts-dec 'day -7 (ts-now))))` Week `(format "%02d" (+ (ts-week-of-year (ts-now)) 1))` SCHEDULED: <`(format "%s-%02d-%02d" (ts-year (ts-dec 'day -7 (ts-now)))(ts-month (ts-dec 'day -7 (ts-now))) (ts-day (ts-dec 'day -7 (ts-now))))` 12:00> Figure 1: Weekly review becomes a critical part of my habit.

So I have my fist on computer, what's next?

After processing my fist from scratch, there are many things I can do with this mesh shown in Fig. 1. Using OpenFOAM or LBM code to do computational fluid dynamics is one option. By using OpenFOAM alone, there are many things I can play with, including numerical scheme, boundary condition, computational usage, etc… Also, the difference between the finite volume method, which is the fundament of OpenFOAM, and the lattice Boltzmann methods (LBM).

Fist mesh ready to go

After about a week of 5 AM project, I finally refine the mesh at current level as shown in Fig. 1. Next step, we will go back to the computational part. Figure 1: A comparsion between the original 3D scan and the current state of the mesh.

Fix big hole in 3d mesh

I happen to see this tutorial on YouTube. Initially, I want to try it in Blender or Meshlab, but I did not have luck. Meshmixer is the tool I am finally able to patch something into my fist. Figure 1: Using Meshmixer, I am able to patch big holes on my fist.

Select isolated faces in Blender

One way to process these isolated faces (shown in Fig. 1) is to first isolate a part of face in blender. The key binding is Alt+H. Now, we can zoom in to do more detailed manipulation in this region. Figure 1: There are many isolated faces. Figure 2: You can isolate a part of region by Alt+H in Edit mode Now, after clean, we arrive at a very big hole as shown in Fig.